Saturday, 27 September 2014

Ball-Chair Bonanza

Having a Ball!

The Joberts Team has always been about innovation and risk-taking. When you couple that spirit of climbing our own Everest each day with the realization that our seats are simply uncomfortable for most students at best, and the sitting position is very difficult for some kids at worst, it became apparent that it was time for a change.

I had always known about ball-chairs as soon as they came out, but I wasn't ready to seriously pursue acquiring them until two things happened. One, over the course of the first three weeks of school, at least five different students fell out of their chairs in class. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.  Some kids squirm, move, and simply cannot sit in their seats. I sent an email to Mrs. Spencer, who told me that kids in her room loved her ball-chairs, and that I ought to write a grant to get some.

The second thing that happened is that I saw a video about ball-chairs in schools, and sent it to Mr. Morawski. He replied and said he could give me a 100.00 to buy a few ball-chairs. I was psyched! The same day, last Thursday, Mrs. Sivwright donated her ball-chair as a long-term loan to the Joberts team. By the next  day, Friday, three kids had brought their own ball-chairs from home. We were rolling! I hope to have ball chairs for the whole room ASAP. Joberts rocks and ROLLS!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Cockroach Capers

The cockroach balanced delicately on my noses as I tried to look aroud the room. I was afarid if I moved too much that the cockroach would fall off abd be crushed, but I ciould tell that ll etyes werer on me. I mean, after all, jhow often do you see your teacher with a cockroach on his nose?

UI never thought I would do something like this, but wshen the hteacher gave uas a choiice between looking at it, letting it crawl across our hanfds, or putting uit on our nose, wll, I just couldn't resist. And no one even had to dare me to do it!

The cockrioack was opretty lighjt..

Again and Again Clara and Davie 5th Grade

Why does the image of Clara's healing hands keep showing up again and again? Answer this question in at least three complete sentences using evidence from the text.

Again and Again - Clara and Davie

Why does the image of Clara's healing hands keep showing up again and again? Answer this question in at least three complete sentences using evidence from the text.