Sunday, 10 August 2014

Disciplined Reading and Writing

I am the kind of reader who needs discipline. No,not "punishment" as discipline is often confused with. I need discipline - a daily regimen, a protocol, a way, a habit. I thrive on order, structure and schedules. Within that structure, I can be creative and productive.

I know that if I literally set my phone to 10 minutes and read a book of my own choosing for 10 minutes, then I will read for 10 minutes. I know if I do the same with a teacher-book or job-related reading I will get it done. If I set my timer to five minutes (like I'm dong at this instant) I will write for five minutes a day. 

Now, this is a bare minimum - not very much reading and writing, in my opinion - but it's better than nothing, which is what happen when I don't plan and schedule my time. Ordered time. Discipline. It works for me.

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