Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Pistons Preseason Paradise

I awoke with a snort, wondering if I was in a dream. The fifty foot-wide megatron screen presided over me like a billboard, bigger than any TV I had ever seen. But it wasn't the mere size of this behemoth that continued to shock me, as I sat in the first row of the upper bowl at the Palace of Auburn Hills.

Hey, there's Zack, I thought to myself. And Chris. They were off to the side of the screen, looking up at the entertainer who was was dancing in the aisle next to where they were sitting. They had moved down to the lower bowl and found some choice seats closer to the court. And now they were in the megatron.

This being 2014, I did what any number of people worldwide would do in this case. Yep, you guessed it, I pulled out my cell phone, praying that the moment would not pass me by.

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