Wednesday, 28 January 2015

JBOW 1.26 to 2.1.15

Explain your nominations!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Kroger Arts Contest and Henry Ford Creative Writing Contest

Click here. for the Kroger Arts Contest. Read about your area of interest. Think about what you would like to enter.

Click here for the Henry Ford Creative Writing Contest. Think about some ideas.

Mid-Year Reflection

  1. What aspect of your reading habit are you most proud of? Explain.
  2. What could you do to improve your reading habit? What goals can you set for the third quarter?
  3. What aspect of your writing habit are you most proud of? Explain.
  4. What could you do to improve your writing habit? What goals can you set for the third quarter?

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

JBOW 1.20 to 1.25

Vote and explain your reasons for nomination.

Friday, 16 January 2015

JBOW 1.12 to 1.19

Vote with reasons

Saturday, 10 January 2015

On Being a Dad

Being a dad is a blessing
The chance to help
to support
to love
to give

Being a dad is a blessing
to say
How are you?
What's up?
How's it going?

Being a dad is a blessing
that grows
We all learn
We all grow up
Long after we become adults

Being a dad is who I am
I accept the role each day
I learn to love
I develop relationships
with Zack and Nick that

Get stronger every day
Who are you becoming?
Who am I becoming?
We are of the same flesh
but different you and I

You will always be yourself
No matter how much you look
or talk like me
Your life is yours to live
Your love is yours to give

Being a dad is a blessing
It is a chnce to give gratitude
to thang God for who and what I am
to struggle every day
That is the great blessing


Thursday, 8 January 2015

JBOW 1.5 to 1.11.15

Vote, Vote, Vote!

Remember, no explanation, no counted vote.

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Time for the To-Do List

Time seems to fly on vacation. And for some reason it seems to go faster at the end than at the beginning of the break.

I know that there are 60 seconds in every minute, 60 minutes in every hour and 24 hours in every day. I also know that our holiday break is the longest of the school year. Two weeks. I am not complaining.

I just know that the time sure seems to go faster now that we are wrapping up the break and will be back at school in 48 hours.

I always have a list of things I want to accomplish, and I never seem to get them all done. Is that a question of time? When we are on summer break, off school for 2.5 months, I always end up the break in the same way, with unfinished things to do on my list.

So, what does this all mean? Do I need to make a smaller to-do list? Do I need to allocate my time better so that I get things done each day, instead of thinking, "I'll do it tomorrow?"

Ultimately, in my limited wisdom, I've realized that I have to do as much as I can while still honoring those important relationships in my life - family. I need to spend time with the people closest to  me, the ones I barely see during the school week. If I don't get everything done on my to-do list, then that's okay. If I am enjoying time with my wife and kids, then that is the best way to spend my time, on vacation or any day.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is soimething I try to give every day. I am so thankful for everything I am, everything I have and everything I do. I know that when I maintain this attitude of gratitude, I am a happier person. I let go of my fears and anxieties, breathe deep, and relax. I smile. I feel a greater sense of peace and calm.

Anyway, at the beginning of 2015, here are just a few things for which I give gratitude:
  • My life
  • seeing
  • hearing
  • smelling
  • tasting
  • touching
  • my family
  • my pets
  • my friends
  • my students
  • my colleagues
  • all the people I've ever met (They all cross my path to teach me something)
  • my job
  • my church
  • all the places I've ever been to school
  • all the places I've ever visited in the world
  • my food
  • my house
  • my city, state, country and the world
  • the opportunity to be a conduit for love

This is a list of which I need to constantly remind myself. I am extremely blessed. It reminds em of the quote above the door in Room 504: "To they whom much has been given, much is expected."

I need to get to work :-)

Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year, New Beginnings

The beauty of anything new is just that, it's "new". Whenever something is actually new to someone there is the possibility that new ways of being will emerge. New relationships. New ways of living. New ways of seeing the world.

The coolest thing about any and all things new is that we don't have to wait for New Year's Day for newness to occur. I have the ability to create newness at any time. I can start things over, remake something about myself, or start a new habit right now. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

On the Joberts team, we strive to live a daily reading and daily writing habit. If we are living it, great. We try to make it better and stronger. If we're not living it, we try to start it by removing the obstacles in the way. There is no doubt that it's a good idea to read and write every day, we just have to find the way and then get started. We will start and start again as many times as necessary. Happy New Year!