Saturday, 3 January 2015

Time for the To-Do List

Time seems to fly on vacation. And for some reason it seems to go faster at the end than at the beginning of the break.

I know that there are 60 seconds in every minute, 60 minutes in every hour and 24 hours in every day. I also know that our holiday break is the longest of the school year. Two weeks. I am not complaining.

I just know that the time sure seems to go faster now that we are wrapping up the break and will be back at school in 48 hours.

I always have a list of things I want to accomplish, and I never seem to get them all done. Is that a question of time? When we are on summer break, off school for 2.5 months, I always end up the break in the same way, with unfinished things to do on my list.

So, what does this all mean? Do I need to make a smaller to-do list? Do I need to allocate my time better so that I get things done each day, instead of thinking, "I'll do it tomorrow?"

Ultimately, in my limited wisdom, I've realized that I have to do as much as I can while still honoring those important relationships in my life - family. I need to spend time with the people closest to  me, the ones I barely see during the school week. If I don't get everything done on my to-do list, then that's okay. If I am enjoying time with my wife and kids, then that is the best way to spend my time, on vacation or any day.

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