Tuesday 19 May 2015

JBOW 5.18 to 24

Vote for someone who has a consistent AHW habit - at least five AHW posts per week! 

Previous Winners 6th - Ania, Ryan, Sam, Danial X, Tate, Megan, Shin Be, Vivian, Aria, Jake L, Nia, Jordyn, Sebastian, Jane, Jacob P
Previous Winners 5th - John, Alex B, Ty, Zoeya, Quentin, Jude, Ellie, Braeden, Mike, Kevyn, Sophia, Evan, Kris, Colette, Ainsley


  1. YAYAYAYAYAY. Okay, I want Mattew for 5th because he has graceful writing. I also want ----- for 6th. Peace out!

  2. For 6th I vote Niyathi because her writing is really good.
    For 5th I vote Dyson because his writing is super funny.

  3. I vote for Niyathi for 6th because and Matthew A for 5 th because their writing is creative and interesting.

  4. I vote for me because I have seen a lot of improvements in my writing.
    (I think that we refresh the not voting for people who already won because all the people who didn't win haven't had a good writing habit.)
