Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Diver Down!

On Friday and Saturday, Zack and I went diving at the Gilboa Quarry in Findlay, Ohio, about two hours south of Detroit. We brought along our camping and cooking gear and spent the night Friday in a very comfortable tent. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. On Saturday we made three dives, all in preparation for our trip to the Florida Keys at the end of July.

Perhaps the highlight of the weekend, both Zack and I would agree, was when we went down to about 30 feet below the surface with fish food to feed the fish. The quarry is stocked with thousands of trout, bluegill, bass and even some koi. There is no fishing allowed, so the fish are plentiful and very friendly, They are fed by hand with fish food every day by the caretaker of the quarry. Divers are allowed to purchase pellets of fish food in ziploc bags that we carry down with us below the surface.

Zack and I had two bags of fish food each. As Zack took his out of his vest pocket, an enormous large mouth bass swarmed around him and snatched the food right out of his hand, bag and all. Zack watched in horror as the fish swam away desperately trying to swallow the plastic bag containing the fish food pellets.

We certainly will have quite a "fish tale" to tell for years to come!

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