Friday, 18 April 2014

A Good Friday

Today there is no school at BCS. Officially it is the end of the third quarter and the calendar simply says, "No School for Students and Staff."

For people who are Christians, today is a day called Good Friday. In the Christian tradition, today marks the day when Jesus of Nazareth was executed. It is a day to think about how people make sacrifices for others and how service beyond oneself really makes a difference in the lives of other people.

On the Joberts Team, when we think about using kind voices with each other, especially with people who are angry, scared or frustrated, then we are are not only being kind to them but we are showing them a way to live that is different from what many people expect. Kindness is a gift that we can give each other. The interesting thing is that when we are kind to other people we are also kind to ourselves. We feel better when we are kind. That's not to say we don't get angry when someone is mean to us. It just means that we don't return the harsh voice that we are receiving with another harsh voices. Sometimes that only makes the matter worse, and both people leave the situation feeling bad.

We can practice kindness best by thinking about it, reading about it and preparing ourselves mentally for the times when we encounter people who aren't kind. When we present kindness to unkindness, that has a way of calming things down, which is better for everyone.

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