Monday, 14 April 2014

Attack of the Rolly Pollies!

I have never seen more rolly pollies in my house in my life. It seems like they have attacked from all sides. They are on the floors and in the doorways of the first floor of my house. I have to avoid stepping on them at every turn. Too bad my dog doesn't eat them!

If I find them alive, I take them outside and set them gently in the planter in our front porch. I seem to find more dead ones than live ones. I wonder if this is a result if our cold winter?


  1. Wow! That must have been very weird to wake up with rolly pollys all over your house! Hopefully they didn't poop all over your floor!

  2. Yeah what Jacob Packard said!'

  3. Wow tha'ts a lot of Rolly Pollies!
