Friday, 28 March 2014

Disability Awareness for Life

Answer these questions in the comment section:

1. What is something that you learned at the Disability Awareness Workshop? Explain in at least three complete sentences.

2. What did you learn about empathy and compassion? Explain in at least three complete sentences.

3. A Joberts students said today, "This was a life-changing event for me." How has this experience changed your life? Explain in at least three complete sentences.


  1. I learned that everybody is important. No matter how weird or dum. Its not there fault there disabled.

    I learned how hard it is to be disabled. It really is a pain. I winder how carly manages.

    I will never see disability in the same eyes. I will make friends with autistic people. I will be different.

  2. 1). I learned that hearing could be really hard, Even though it's hard for people that
    have it they taught us in a fun way.

    2). Like Jake L said a person with autism is just like us but they think different then

    3) I stepped out of my convert zone and i got to get on a mat and I had fun tring something different

  3. 1.) I learned that sometimes dealing with a disability is hard. Even if you can't see the disability, people still have to deal with it. I definitely admire the people who have a disability and still manage to do everyday things.
    2.) We all learned about empathy and compassion. For even just a moment, we all experienced empathy when we learned/tried the disabilities. I learned that even if you haven't experienced empathy with someone or something, you should still treat them with compassion.
    3.) (I'Yanaaa) This changed my life because when I experienced some of the disabilities, I was so extremely frustrated. It's amazing to me that some people have to deal with this 24/7, and not in a good, learning way. It changed my life because now I know that my problems are not even anything compared to some other peoples daily problems.

  4. Questions / Answers:
    1. At the disability awareness workshop I learned that everyone should be treated equally even if they are disabled. I also learned that when kids that are autistic have outbursts it means they are trying to communicate with you. Lastly, I learned that sometimes when kids act different from you you should try to include them and not regent them.

    2. I learned that empathy is when you feel bad for someone because you have gone through what they are going through. Compassion is when you feel bad for someone but you have not actully felt what they are felling. Because of the disability workshop I can have empathy for more people then I did before.

    3. It changed my life because it showed me how no matter who you are you matter. It also let me experience what some people have to go through and let me know what they are feeling. I also felt how some people can get frustrated easier then others and lead me to release that I should include people not not include people.

    -Megan C.

  5. I learned that is should help people that has a disability. I also learned that I am lucky that I have not disability. Having a disability is hard to do the ether day things.

    I learned a lot about empathy and compassion on Friday. I know that empathy is when you know what they are going through. I also know that compassion means that you are trying to help them the best you can.

    This has change my life in a vary good way. Now I know that I need to help the one that have a disability more then before. I think that after Friday I was a hole new man and I think that I will do better.

  6. Q: What is something that you learned at the Disability Awareness Workshop? Explain in at least three complete sentences.

    A: I learned that having a disablilty is hard because you can't do things like walk, talk see and more. I also learned that kids with disablilties are just normal kids if you took away the disability and they're just like everyone else. Lastly I learned that autistic kids aren't ignoring you when they don't respond. They're just taking a while to process the information.

    Q: What did you learn about empathy and compassion? Explain in at least three complete sentences.

    A: I learned that empathy is when you have compassion because you have gone through what they are going through. Compassion is feeling bad for them but you haven't been in their situation. I have empathy for all the disabled kids because the disability workshop let me feel how hard it is for them.

    Q: A Joberts students said today, "This was a life-changing event for me." How has this experience changed your life? Explain in at least three complete sentences.

    A: It changed my life because when I did all those activities it made me realize how easy my life is comparing to their's. I should help the kids with disabilities because their life is a lot harder than mine.

  7. Q:What is something that you learned at the Disability Awareness Workshop? Explain in at least three complete sentences.
    A: I have learned that it is very hard to have a disability. In all of the activities, they were somewhat hard. Some harder than others. When you had to pick up food with crutches on, that was hard. Also, the accessibility is not great, so that is hard.
    Q:What did you learn about empathy and compassion? Explain in at least three complete sentences.
    A: I learned that empathy and compassion are not the same thing. Compassion is when you have not been through it, but you feel bad. Empathy is when you have been through it or something like it and you feel bad for other people like you.
    Q:A Joberts students said today, "This was a life-changing event for me." How has this experience changed your life? Explain in at least three complete sentences.
    A: This experience has changed my life by knowing how it feels. I used to not have as much compassion for them because I didn't know what they had to go through. Now I know that they are definitely braver than me.

    Ryan H.

  8. 1. Something I learned at the Disability Awareness Workshop is that its really hard to have a disability. Some of them were super hard and you could barley do it like when you had to eat goldfish while you had Tremors. Also while you were in a wheelchair it was super hard to open and close a door.

    2. What I learned about empathy and compassion is empathy is when you put yourself in other peoples shoes and feel their pain. Compassion is when you sorry for them and you help them. Compassion and empathy are not the same thing.

    3. This experience taught me I'm really lucky not to have any disabilities. When I see someone in the lunchroom struggling to open a door or trying to do something else I will ask if they need help. I learned that its really hard to do the disability and it was just for 5 minutes. Imagine doing it your whole life.

    Shin Be

  9. I learned that having a disability must be hard. I tested the wheelchairs and they were easy for one day. But if I had to live with it, that would be a challenge.
    I learned that it is good to have empathy for others. So now I think that more people in my class have compassion after that. I know I do.
    This was really fun for everyone. But, if I had to live with it, it would be hard. Know I know a bit more of what empathy means.

  10. I learned that it is hard having a disability

    I Lenard it is good to have empathy

    it was really fun for everyone

  11. I learned that we are lucky for the things we have and we should not take anything for granted. Everyday I take things for granted but little did I know that. My life could change and I could have no idea. I learned that people have to live with the stuff that we tested for 20 mins.

    I learned that I should have compassion about all the people that have to go though that everyday. I learned that empathy for people that don't have as much as me. I learned that people don't get as much as me and I should not take things for granted.

    This experience Changes my life because I got to put myself in others people shoes. I also learned I should never complain again about what I want. People go though so much ust to get though a normal day.

  12. Something I learned is not to judge a person or a book by their cover. At first I thought having a disability was easy but after doing all of the activities i learned its hard after all. After that I will look a things differently.

    Its good to have empathy for others and compassion. When to did the activities we had empathy for other because it was had. We had compassion because its good to have compassion.

    This is life changing because I thought it must not be so hard but after trying everything and seeing how people have to live like that I felt sad it was hard to do the activities and I learned not to think things are easy but they are not. Everyone has feelings and they need to be treated equally and respect.


  13. 1. I learned that there are invisible disabilities.

    2. I learned that we should have empathy and compassion for people with disabilities.

    This has changed my life because some may act like they have empathy but they don't.

  14. Something’s that I have learned is there are so many disability’s that many people can hide very well that I never noticed. Also that Kids with physical disability’s have a hard time getting around to do stuff we do. Plus that learning disability’s need a lot of help in class to be able to learn something that takes kids without them to learn it.

    I learned about empathy and compassion is that many kids need it because they need alot of help with there disability. Also that with compassion the kids will feel better about them self’s and bring compassion. Plus when you treat kids with empathy them feel great and they try to do better in school and acting better.

    This Experience was changed my life because I learned how hard it is the not to be able to walk without help from a device to deal with everyday life. Also with a learning disability kids need help like do easy work and that many kids tease kids that can’t do things and now I know that I can help those kids. Plus that kids that can’t hear well or can’t speak don’t like talking because they could get laughed at.

  15. 1. I learned that even though you have a disability, you can overcome it. Most people with disability have better morals like perseverance in them than us. I think differently know.

    2. I learned that we need to give empathy and compassion to everyone. Even if they don't look like they need it on the outside, they might really need it the most. They could be carrying "baggage"

    3. This experience changed my life by learning about the struggles and hardships people with a disability go through. Like at the wheel chair station, how do you open that door. I can't believe how tough it is for them every day.
