Friday, 14 March 2014

How are these familiar objects repurposed? Have you ever done anything like this?


  1. They transformed the carts into rolling chairs. They the carts into the chairs and put seats in the chairs. I have never done anything like this before.

    Shin Be

  2. ANIA U (made this)

    Who ever did this was probably trying to recycle. They repurposed grocery carts into rolling chairs. I haven't done anything exactly like this but I have turned a shoe box into a shelf.

  3. They did by taking old grocery carts and made them in to chairs. And I have never seen something like that

  4. They recycled the shopping carts into chairs. And the cool thing is that you can use those chairs to push yourself around and race down the street. Let's hope those shopping carts were not stolen.

  5. They transformed the shopping carts into chairs. The people that do not have money are very smart. This gives me a better view on poor people.
