Friday, 14 March 2014

Soccer in the City

How is this practice scene familiar and diffferent?


  1. It familiar because its outdoors and our practices are outdoors too. But we don't practice next to the highways or the roads.

    Shin Be

  2. Ania U made this comment

    This is familiar because they are also practicing outdoors and the actual playing is what American athletes do, too. This is different here we don't play soccer in the middle of the city and the field in fenced in - inside a grate type wall that is super high, we don't do that.

  3. In the US we have more space to practice soccer outdoors. In the US we practice in natural fields, not always very flat. They practice over pavement which very flat.

  4. Here in the US we have outdoor natural grass. There they have highways and roads nearby. Also they have a paved area that is man-made.
