Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Questions from and for Michigan Lawmakers

Answer these questions with your PSA Team. This is what you may be asked tomorrow by lawmakers:

1. Why are PSA's effective?
2. Where did you get the idea to create it?
3.  How will this help prevent climate change?
4. What will you do next to continue the work?

Now, create at least three questions that you may ask lawmakers. For example,

              What ideas do you have to preserve natural resources?

Decide the order of the following jobs for your team tomorrow. Who will do what and when?

Materials manager


  1. Brenden- Lead Communicator
    Lydia- photographer
    Eric- Videoer
    Kylee- Assistant

    Lydia will post the questions.

  2. Do you know what a psa is?
    Do you knoe abput climat changing cobras ?
    Do u have an idea about climate change?

  3. 1. PSA are effectives because they are real people in real videos.

    2. We got the idea to create it because when we brought up the idea of Climate change, our teacher said that we have to create a PSA.

    1. 3. This will help prevent it because people will care more bout the community.

      4. We don't really know what we will do next because we just finished a few days ago.

  4. Megan: lead communicator
    Enri: lead photographer
    Jordyn: photographer

  5. 1. PSAs raise awareness in a short amount of time with an interetsing message.
    2. We used a real life situation and recreated it.
    3. This will help because it will get the word out and people will understand what to do and what not to do.
    4. We should go bigger and try and get the word out more.

    What have you done lately to help prevent climate change?
    How do you personally at the capitol recycle or prevent climate change?
    What things should we do to prevent climate change?

    Communicator- Helen
    Materials manager- Shin Be
    Videographer- Jake
    Photographer- Xavier

  6. 1. To teach people in a visual way.
    2. We wanted to help stop climate change.
    3. By telling people how to try to prevent it.
    4. Encourage people to not pollute.

    1. What ideas do you have to help stop climate change?
    2. What laws have you passed to stop climate change?
    3. What do you learn from your job?

    Nicolae, Clayton, Sam, Ryan

    Nicolae: communicator
    Ryan: photographer
    Clayton: videographer
    Sam: materials manager

    1. Nicolae and Ryan might switch jobs from the beginning.

  7. 1)PSA's are efective because they are reqal people caring about a real problem. It is actually very efective.
    2)You just look at a problem in the world and fix it. It is pretty easy to identify a problem. We found a piece of paper on the floor and thought of recyling.
    3)It will help because it's telling people to recycle in a funny and short PSA.
    4)We will make a couple more PSA's and get in touch with more schools and the outer world. We are going to show off our project when it gets more popular.

  8. 1. PSA's are effective because they teach people with entertainment how to be happier.

    2. We got the idea when we learned something easier from a PSA.

    3. It will prevent climate change by teaching people the consequences of not recycling. Also to contributing to climate change.

    4. We will continue to teach people about climate change.

    Vivian: Communicator
    Leo: Videographer and Photographer
    Daniel: Materials Manager

    Questions for the senators
    1. Are you guys working on any bills on climate change
    2. What do you think about climate change?
    3. What ideas do you have to stop climate change.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nia photographer
    Riley video guy
    Joe communicator
    Tate materials manger

    PSA's are effective because it shows people the cause and of effect of things, but will also make people listen. it will make them listen because it is short and creative. But still sends a clear message .

    2. we got the idea to create ours about recycling because it saves energy and reduces the amount of trash in the world.

  11. 1.) PSA's are effective because they teach people what to do like to not litter.

    2.) I got the idea to create the PSA about not littering when I started seeing trash all on the streets.

    3.) The PSA video will help prevent climate change because people will watch it and see how bad it is to litter.

    4.) The next thing I will do to continue the work is to write about it, print it, and place them around the school.

    5.) Questions to ask law makers:
    -Do you ever have people come in with complaints about people who litter?
    -When was the last time a person complained about climate change?
    -What can you do to stop climate change with your power?

    Sebastian: Photographer
    Fiona: communicator
    Jacob: material manager
    Lilly: videographer

  12. Cory: Communicator
    Mia: Photographer
    Warren: Videographer
    Kevin: Materials Manager

    What laws are you passing to help prevent climate change?
    Do you have any tips for us?
    Do you think that PSAS are affective?

    PSAs are affective because they are real people talking about real issues
    We thought that our idea would get peoples attention about our topic
    This we'll help prevent climate change because we are getting people aware about our issue so they will help us
    We will continue our work by helping raise awareness for climate change to help get rid of it.

  13. The PSAs are effective because people will remember them. We wanted something catchy and educational that little kids to the elderly would enjoy. Our PSAs do just that, we are real people

    We got the idea to create it because our classes discussed that videos would be the most effective way to broadcast climate change.

    This will help prevent climate change because through television many people will see it and pull information from it. In the PSA we video taped fun and easy ways to save energy. Just like in professional commercials people would 'repeat' what they saw.

    To continue our work we will show off our progress - just as we are doing here. Some of our class' students are creating games that will send the message out to the public. We each also have pen pals and we will continue connecting with them.

    What do you do as a lawmaker to prevent climate change?
    How do you communicate with the public about saving the environment?
    How long have you known about this subject?

    Ania U, Hunter V, and Amelia Z

    Ania - Communicator
    Hunter - Materials Manager
    Amelia - Videographer and Photographer

  14. Save the Polar Bears (Sam,Niyathi.Simon,Jane)
    Our Psa effective because it tells people to stop wasting energy.
    we saw the computer and started throwing out ideas.
    it will stop people to waste energy by leaving things on.
    We will try to get it out in the world.

    Niyathi - Communicator
    Sam - Videographer
    Simon - Photographer
    Jane - Materials Manager

  15. Answers:
    PSA's are effective because they tell lots of information.
    We got the idea from when we talked about saving energy for our school.
    This will prevent climate change because we made our PSA about recycling.
    We will try telling the world about our video.

    Our Questions:
    What laws do the lawmakers create?
    How many laws do lawmakers create each month?
    Do some people persuade you to create laws about certain things? What kind of things?

    Ian - Communicator & Greeter
    Aria - Assistant & Photographer
    Ryan L. - Videographer
    Jacob L. - Material Manager & Technology Coordinator

    ~Our Group

  16. 1. psa's are effective because it gets the message out to the public and gets them aware of the problem

    2.last year they did half the light half the fight and we diceieded to bring back the project to tell them about the global problem global warming

    3. it would help them realize if they don't take care of the world there will not be a world

    4. We are going to show our progress to others and what we are doing.

    1. What laws have you passed to help climate change?
    2. Are there any laws you wanted to pass but did not work out?
    3. Are there lobiastes that pressure you to let them keep disrespecting the environment?

  17. Why are the PSAs effective?
    It makes them get exited about the project, it helps them understand the project, and it builds up there skills for the project.

    Where did you get the idea to create it?
    We got the idea to create it when we realized that global warming was melting the ice caps and killing animals.

    How will you help prevent climate change?
    We will help prevent climate change by getting more people involved and preserving there reasources.

    What will you do to continue the work?
    We will keep spreading the word about the project to make more people involved.

    3 questions we would ask lawmakers-
    • What is favorite thing about being a lawmaker?
    • How many business meeting or just meeting in general do you have each day?
    • What are you doing to stop climate change and how has it effected people around you?
