Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Jobs for Lansing Trip

Which job would you like and why?

Materials Manager
Technology Coordinator


  1. The job that I would like is photographer because ever since I was a kid I've always loved to take pictures and I always take really really good pictures I think it would be a really really good on you would be a really really good opportunity to take pictures and also be educational

  2. I'd like to be the communicator because I am good at commuicating professionally even under pressure. I think i'd be good at representing the class and school in Lansing.

  3. I would like to be the photographer because I love taking pictures. I love taking pictures and make sure they are detailed and clear and staright. I take pictures a lot and I also take extra pictures so we do that. SOme are unesscery, butthe more the better! Please consider me to be the photographer!!

  4. I would like videgrapher because I would like to video the hole thing for me.
    I am good a videoing.

  5. Photographer, Because i love to take photos

  6. Tech, because I love technology.

  7. I want to be a photographer, videographer or assistant because I take good pics and videos and they are fun jobs to do and to be an assistant because I help out if needed.

  8. tech because I'm good with it. I'm good with all types.

  9. photographer because I have always liked to take photos

  10. I want to be photo person because i am good at taking pics on my phone and ipad

  11. I would like to be the videographer because I don't like to talk in front of lots of people. I'd like to video tape I'm really good at it and I like doing it.
    Shin Be

  12. I would like to be the technology coordinator because I'm going with fixing technology.

  13. Photographer because I am a good picture taker

  14. The job that i would like is Greeter because i know how to handle and how the take great photos.

    From Joseph C

  15. I think I should be the 'Greeter'. I would be a good 'Greeter' because I am very good at making friends and my mom tells be that I have good improv skills and I can speak with adults well. I also cam e up with the 'Greeter' job, so I think I deserve it.

    -Ania U.

  16. I want be video grapher because our I like taking video

  17. I think i should be the communicator because i talk with people well.

  18. None I don't want to do a job. I want to play games or something.

  19. Ethan Weiss,

    I would like to be a photographer. I would like to be this job because i have take reall good pictures for a while and i really like taking good pictures.

  20. I want to be a photographer because i am good at pictures.

  21. I would like to be a greeter because I am a good talker to people face to face.

  22. I would like to be a technology coordinator because I love technology. I also every Sunday handle technology. I am apart of the tech team. I run the lights or sound or even the background. I
    Know how to handle technology and keep it safe. That's why I think I would be a good technology coordinator.

  23. I would be a good Technology Coordinator because I made a Windows 8 computer with almost nothing. I also am leading something that involves lots of coding.

  24. I think I should be a greeter because I am really comfortable introducing myself to strangers or large crowds. I could also be a communicator because I can talk in front of large crowds and have a lot of experience talking in front of many people.

  25. I want to be the greeter because I can greet random people with no difficulty. I do not studder, only sometimes though��. I'm prettty good at making people laugh too so it will be the perfect job!

  26. I would like the roll of a assistant because i like to help people and i don't like pressure of talking that much.

  27. I want to either be a photographer or a videographer because I can take good pictures. I have liked taking pictures for a while. I would be a good videographer because I have a pretty steady hand, so I can get a good video. I would have to borrow a device to do this.

    Ryan H.

  28. I woul like to be either the photographer or the assistant. I like to help people and I like to take pictures.

  29. I would like to be a videographer I would be great.

  30. I ant to be a communicator because I am not afraid to talk to people.

  31. I would like to be a photographer because my dad is a professional photographer and he taught me a few skills like using the aparature value, time value, white balance, flash, and setting a timer on the camera to take a picture of the whole class

  32. I think that the job that I should have for the Lansing field trip is photographer because I am really good at focussing in and not making it blurry. I also have been taking pictures for a while and I think I am good with a camera.

  33. i would like to be a greeter because i am not shy and i love meet and taking to new people! :D

  34. I want to me a photographer because I really good at it and i have taken photos in the past
