Saturday 22 March 2014

Fantastic Friday!

The Cubs lost to Bloomfield Hills by 10, and as I write this, Blackhawks are losing by 20 in the final at halftime to Muskegon, who is undefeated. This was an awesome basketball season for the Cubs. I am very proud of our team and their efforts.

I am even more proud of the Joberts team, who did an amazing job during our We Day webcast yesterday afternoon. All of you know how it went down, and I am still stunned by the gift of extra cash. How amazing! I am thrilled that we are able to help make a difference in people's lives. That is what life is all about.

Right now, I'm working at my "office", the Starbucks on Telegraph and 12 Mile, where I work while Zack is at tutoring. I am the luckiest dad and teacher anywhere!

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