Friday, 14 February 2014

"Love is Patient, Love is Kind"

When asked what love was, Paul of Taurus famously said "Love is patient, love is kind..." Love is a word that is used in many ways and in many contexts in our culture. In honor of Paul's definition of love, here are some poems that honor the importance of living a life of patience and kindness.

                                                                                                February 14, 2014
Mary Beth,

You are patient
You are kind

You are patient

With Zack and with Nick
When they bring worries to you
When they argue, fight
You listen to their troubles
Now all will be well

You are kind

When people are mean
Your peaceful heart loves them back
When ignorance comes
Deep breaths you offer and smile
Refusing to judge

Love is patient
Love is kind

You are Love, Mary Beth

You are Love

Poems have rhythm. That's what makes them poems and not just collections of random words. Some poems rhyme, but many don't. This poem gets it's rhythm from the syllabication or "sounding" of the words. It's based on the number of sounds or syllables in each line. Pay attention to the numbers in parentheses. They are the number of syllables in each line:

                                                                             February 14, 2014
Mary Beth,

You are patient
You are kind

You are patient

With Zack and with Nick(5)
When they bring worries to you (7)
When they argue, fight (5)
You listen to their troubles (7)
Now all will be well (5)

You are kind

When people are mean (5)
Your peaceful heart loves them back (7)
When ignorance comes(5)
Deep breaths you offer and smile (7)
Refusing to judge (5)

Love is patient
Love is kind

You are Love, Mary Beth

You are Love

Now it's your turn. Write a Love is Patient, Love is Kind poem of your own. It can be for anyone you know who shows patience and kindness. It must follow the pattern above. Bonus opportunities: Create a selfie video and post it to your blog under the text. Share the poem by reading it aloud and videorecording yourself reading it to the person for whom you wrote it.

Here's another example:


You are patient
You are kind.

You are patient

When you walk the dog
Without being asked at all
When Gina tells you
Stuff that you already know
When you wait to talk

You are kind

When Zack calls you names
And  you want to wring his neck
When kids say dumb stuff
And you refuse to go there
You rise up above

Love is patient
Love is kind

You are Love, Nick

You are Love

Video of me reading my poem

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