Monday, 24 February 2014

Whart are all the ways we can reduce our use of electricity?

Please write a minimum of five things on the comment section.


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  2. Thomas
    we can charge devices only until full
    play less video games
    watch less t v
    take shorter showers
    turn of lights whet not in use

  3. Ethan weiss,

    1.turning off the TV when your not using it
    2.turning off lights when nobodys in a room
    3.charging mobile devices for smaller times
    4.turning off gaming systems when not in use
    5. use fewer lights everyday

  4. • Turn off a light when you leave the room
    • Unplug your chargers when you are not using them
    • Put your computer on sleep when you are not using it
    • Turn off the projecter lights when not being used
    • Shut down the desktops at the end of the day
    -Megan C.

  5. By Ian and Teresa

    • Turning electronic when not in use
    •Don't plug in your phone all day
    •Use solar light
    •Turn off lights when not in use
    •Use a candle when only need a bit of light

  6. Go outside
    less t.v. time
    Turn lights off when not using them
    Less video game time
    Don't keep the computer on or devices.

  7. Leo and Enri
    Using energy star
    Unplug things when you are done
    Play games in the dark for fun
    Playing board games outside
    Playing anything outside
    Live in a tent
    Charging your device only when it needs it.

  8. By Daniel and Jacob
    1. Not charge iPod over night
    3.less digital device usage
    4.sleep. Early and get up after. The sun is up
    5. Eat raw food like salad and sushi (non cooked sushi)

  9. Half the Light
    Turn off lights when not at use
    Unplug chargers when not using it
    Turn off faucet when not in use
    Turn off TV when not using

  10. will baughman
    charge until full
    play games for not that long
    turn off lights
    take batterys out of anything
    use solar energy
    turn off the tv when your borad and go outside

  11. Don't just have one person talking.
    Have like more thene one purses talking.
    Not just informashen.
    Have like five people talking.
    Maby make a little hummer.

  12. Turn off lights
    Don't over charge devices
    Use fewer lights
    Don't use to much heat
    Unplug charges

  13. 1. Turn off lights when you leave the room

    2. Turn off lights when the projector is on

    3. Eat food when warm so you don't have to use a microwave

    4. Unplug fully charged devices

    5. Turn projector off when it's not being used


  14. 1) Turning off lights when not in use <- I would choose this one
    2) Turn off lights when projector on
    3) Eat food when warm so you don't need to use the microwave
    4) Un-plug fully charged devices
    5) Turn off the projector


  15. -Turn off lights when not needed.
    -Use microwave only when food is cold.
    -Don't leave things plugged in.
    -Not charge devices when they have full battery.
    -Do not use your dishwasher much- wash dishes with your hands.

  16. • only plug in your device at night
    • turn off lights when you leave a room
    • put your computer on sleep mode
    • shut down computers at the end of the day
    • turn off gaming systems

  17. 1. Turn off lights when not in use
    2. Have more outside time
    3. Limit your tv watching to 3-1 hours a day
    5. Play board or card games with your family

    1. 4. Charge your device only when completely dead
